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  • man in a gray long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on white floor tiles

    How to Manage Stress as a College Student

    Being in college can be exciting, but it can also be challenging and stressful. If you’re feeling the pressure, it’s important to ask yourself: How does stress affect college students? Stress in college students can be attributed to a variety of factors, from academic pressure to the need for independence and self-discovery. To help you […]

  • dollar bill with change resting on top of it

    Budgeting Tips for College Students

    Most college students struggle to budget money. There are countless opportunities to indulge yourself, but all these experiences also involve spending money. Despite this reality, you can still save money by learning and practicing proven budgeting tips for college students. Download a Money Management App Money management apps like Mint are free. College students can […]

  • woman folding clothes

    What to Pack for College

    Heading to college for the first time can be an exciting and daunting experience. One of the most important things you’ll need to do is pack your bags with everything you need to get off to a good start! But what should you bring with you? Making a list of the things you need to […]

  • magnifying glass on top of resume paper

    Resume Tips for College Students

    If you’re in college or freshly graduated, you’re probably confused about what to put in your resume. Even if you’ve graduated, you’re barely out of school, so what can you even write about? However, there’s actually plenty of information you can add to show employers an intriguing glimpse at your potential. We’ll outline five essential […]

  • Woman covering her face with a book next to a brick wall

    Time Management Tips for College Students

    College is a great time to explore your independence, passions, and various career preferences. However, all the studying and extracurricular activities can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry; planning your days can do wonders for your grades and your social life! If you do college right, you can find the time for your varsity practices […]

  • A Group of People Eating Food at a Restaurant

    Best Restaurants in Auburn, AL

    These top restaurants in Auburn, Alabama, will spark your inner foodie and make you want to go on culinary adventures! Whether you are starting college in a new city or have lived here for years, this must-try list of the best restaurants in Auburn will be worth your visit. The Depot The Depot has big […]

  • Think outside of the box

    Small Space Living Tips to Save Space

    Living in a small or shared apartment can bring up plenty of little problems around your living space. You can run into different types of problems like – a bed that takes up too much space, too much furniture, or not enough color. That’s why we wanted to share a list of some great small […]

  • Woman studying for her college exam

    Study Tips for Your College Exams

    Have a hard exam coming up? We promise it isn’t as tough as it may seem. All students are different, some are good at cramming information, others need time to soak in all the information from class. It just takes some time and experimenting with what works best for you. That’s why we came up […]

  • Auburn CityFest

    Discover Auburn

    As a hardworking student, it’s important to enjoy some needed downtime occasionally and have fun exploring what Auburn has to offer with their full calendar of events and places to visit. Whether you’re new to the city or have called Auburn home for years, here’s a list of things we recommend you check out. Game […]

  • It’s Holiday Season!

    We hope everyone’s wrapping up their semester strong and that you plan on staying with us again next year. Our office staff is always happy to help, so let us know if there’s anything we can do to assist you. Special Highlight As holiday break approaches, we know some of you will be heading home. […]

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